God is rescuing, restoring, and redeeming many from trafficking!
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"...uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people."


Psalm 82:3b-4

TRAFFICKING affects more than 2.5M worldwide - the statistics vary from report to report and only reflect what is known! The problem is mammoth and we cannot be aware and do NOTHING!




  • Forced labor

  • Sexual exploitation

  • Forced marriages

  • Slavery

  • Removal of body parts

  • Forced criminal activity

Conditions like poverty, illiteracy, lack of education, natural disasters are all situations that lead to increased trafficking. 

AFRICA is the most trafficked continent in the world. WOMEN and GIRLS are the #1 victims.

Over and over at airports in Africa there are young teenage girls at the airports, in groups of 30-40, dressed in hijab and matching t-shirts, with paperwork in their hands. When asked where they are going, they say, "To Saudi for a job!" They are so excited to start their new life, but little do they know what awaits them. THEY ARE BEING TRAFFICKED RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES. They will never see their families or homeland again unless they are RESCUED.

"You may choose to look the other way but you can never again say you did not know."


-William Wilberforce

FAVOR INTERNATIONAL cannot look the other way - We are His hands and His feet rescuing where we can, restoring when we find them and watching first hand as Jesus redeems them back to HIMSELF! These precious women and girls are His, bought with a price and are as important to Him as you and I.



1. Women's Empowerment - educating women in rural areas by making them aware of trafficking. Already we have rescued thousands of girls from this fate! Many mothers in these rural areas testify, "When these men come to our villages to offer to take our girls away for an education and jobs, we chase them away! Thank you, Favor, for the teaching and awareness you are bringing us to save our children and be able to feed and educate them ourselves!"

2. G.I.F.T. (God's Institute for Transformation) Program - rescuing boys and girls from trafficking right on the street, crime, sex houses, and slavery. We go to the streets at night right in our own cities and villages and rescue boys and girls and bring them to our Favor 'homes' where they are restored and redeemed through the love of Jesus.


The transformation in their lives is spectacular. Within 1-2 months, they are worshiping, praying, sharing their faith, and growing in confidence & in their identity as sons & daughters of the King. They memorize scripture, have Bible studies, discipleship, start academic processes, and then choose a vocational skill for their own sustainability.

3. Eradicating Poligamy - Forced marriages of young girls to older men with several wives is a generational curse that is rampant in rural areas today. The young girl becomes trapped and forced into sexual and manual labor and physical abuse with no hope of escape. Our teams go to rural areas and teach on Biblical marriage and there is a new generation of believers that are living out godly marriages. These generational traditions are slowly being exposed and with God's help are being destroyed and will not be tolerated!


My name is Sarah and I'm so thankful that Favor rescued me from an impossible situation. At 17 years of age I was forced to be the 8th woman for a man who had 7 wives already. I wanted to commit suicide because I was beaten daily and the other 7 wives were more cruel than I could take. We all slept together in one hut and even with other men who forced us. When I heard about Favor helping girls, I prayed for help. I ran away and they found me and took me in. Now I know Jesus and am so thankful that I have a hope and a future like the Bible says. 

Your financial gift can help us save thousands more boys & girls from the trafficking industry in Uganda and South Sudan! 

Click below to help us transform hearts for the Kingdom of God!

We highly value your prayers as you partner with us to see God’s Kingdom established in Uganda, South Sudan, and America.


Our Current needs:

  • Portable Bible School – Pray for our 2nd wave of Portable Bible Schools for 2023 that are now kicking off. Missionaries are headed back to the field, communities are being mobilized, and many souls are already being saved!

  • Sudan - Please pray for Sudan - "He makes wars to cease!". Please pray also for the safety of believers in the midst of conflict.

  • Sudanese Refugees - Please pray for tens of thousands of refugees who are fleeing the war in Sudan and coming into the northern part of South Sudan. He's bringing the Sudanese to our doorstep and most come from Islamic backgrounds. Our teams are there on the ground ministering and we are sending more missionaries even this week. Please pray for revival in the midst of tragedy!

  • Short Term Serving Teams - Please pray for upcoming Short Term Serving Teams. Please pray that their lives will never be the same and that they will be stamped for The Great Commission in a deeper way!

  • 2023 Vision - Our 2023 vision is 'Mighty Exploits'! As God sweeps the nations of Africa and across America, we pray for revival fires to burn in the hearts of people to transform nations!

Our teams in Africa are praying for each Favor partner daily and we will have them lift up your specific prayer requests if you send them to us at prayer@favorintl.org.

Click below to listen to Carole's powerful story of how God sent her to the field and to hear about the incredible ways He has moved there!

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