We are going out and making disciples for HIS glory!
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"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."


Matthew 28:19



As 1,000s come to Jesus each month through:

  • Evangelism
  • Outreaches
  • Street ministry
  • Crusades
  • Portable Bible Schools
  • Trauma Counseling

....and more, we immediately get these new believers involved in discipleship programs!

A true disciple is someone who is in turn making disciples. That is fruit that remains and fruit that multiplies

Through intense follow-up, monitoring and evaluation, church plants, Houses of Prayer, smaller discipleship groups, and cooperating with local churches - new converts are plugged into studying the Bible and growing in Jesus! Local pastors are calling with testimonies of how their churches are growing as people come to Jesus and are directed into their churches.

When a church is constructed - they are called 'discipleship factories' as precious lives learn biblical truth, kingdom principles, and in turn learn how to be a part of the great commission of also making disciples.

Our mandate is clear!
Our mission is commanded!
Our message is the Gospel!
Our method is discipleship!

"Teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you, and behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."


Matthew 28:20

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to help us transform hearts for the Kingdom of God!

We highly value your prayers as you partner with us to see God’s Kingdom established in Uganda, South Sudan, and America.


Our Current needs:

  • Sudanese Refugees - Please pray for tens of thousands of refugees who are fleeing the war in Sudan and coming into the northern part of South Sudan and into Chad. Muslims are coming to Jesus! Please pray for their safety and the safety of our teams ministering there!

  • New Muslim Believers - We are in the process of discipleship to release them back into the harvest field as missionaries. Please pray for their safety!

  • Resources and Finances - Please pray for a provision of resources! With the growing ministry, the needs are also growing, and we know He is our supply!

  • New Intake of GIFT Street Youth - Please pray that God will continue to bring hope and healing to the brokenness of these new GIFT street youth and that He would establish them firmly in their identity in Christ!

  • 2023 Vision - Our 2023 vision is 'Mighty Exploits'! As God sweeps the nations of Africa and across America, we pray for revival fires to burn in the hearts of people to transform nations!

Our teams in Africa are praying for each Favor partner daily and we will have them lift up your specific prayer requests if you send them to us at prayer@favorintl.org.

Click below to listen to Carole's powerful story of how God sent her to the field and to hear about the incredible ways He has moved there!

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