We have seen the Lord turn darkness into light greatly within our GIFT program and the lives of these precious girls! Dorcus, the women pictured above, was hopeless living and working on the streets before coming to our GIFT Girls program.
From a life of darkness and death, to a new life in Christ Jesus, the light of the world!
Our G.I.F.T. (God's Institute for Transformation) Boys have gone from death to new life in Christ! These boys were living on the streets hungry and often times wounded physically and spiritually.
But praise be to God, they are being rescued and taken into our GIFT Boys homes and their entire destiny is being transformed for His glory!
From the streets to passionate worshipers of Jesus!
The work God is doing through church construction is amazing! Many of these believers were having to gather under trees or unsturdy structures to worship and fellowship together.
But God is on the move and building church buildings all over Africa, giving these men and women permanent places to worship Him! Not only that, but it's proclaiming that the Word of God is here to stay in these communities!
From street life to preacher of the gospel, leading entire families to Jesus! Click the video above to watch an incredible testimony of Christ's resurrection power in action in the life of 17-year old Rubangakene Andrew Jonathan!
Because He is alive we also live and bring others to life!
A very blessed Easter season to you and your family from the Favor International Team!
Click below to help us transform hearts for the Kingdom of God!
We highly value your prayers as you partner with us to see God’s Kingdom established in Uganda, South Sudan, and America.
Our Current needs:
- Portable Bible Schools – Portable Bible School graduations are in the month of April. Please pray for safety as teams travel and celebrate the goodness of God.
- GIFT Girls South Sudan Property – Please pray for our property in South Sudan for GIFT (God's Institute for Transformation) Girls - to bring them off the streets. The last payment is due by the end of April. Please pray for a rain of resources to meet the need!
- Gabriel from South Sudan - Please pray for Gabriel from South Sudan as he travels into hard to reach areas, dangerous areas, and Muslim controlled regions during the month of April. He's breaking the ground for the gospel!
- New Believers - Please pray that all those that have come to Jesus would walk out their faith and grow in the nuture and understanding of God's Word.
- GIFT Youth - Please pray for our new GIFT (God's Institute for Transformation) youth that have just come into the center that God would transform their hearts. Approximately 20 girls in Uganda and 35 boys in South Sudan.
- 2023 Vision - Our 2023 vision is 'Mighty Exploits'! As God sweeps the nations of Africa, we pray for revival fires to burn in the hearts of people to transform nations.
Our teams in Africa are praying for each Favor partner daily and we will have them lift up your specific prayer requests if you send them to us at
Click below to listen to Carole's powerful story of how God sent her to the field and to hear about the incredible ways He has moved there!
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