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We’re opening a small office in Florida - so our team can work in unity, with Kingdom culture, and prayer momentum - for the first time in 20 years!


 Our small US TEAM is growing in Kingdom culture - covering you, your family, and your areas of business and spiritual leadership - in much prayer.

Would you consider joining our valued volunteer force?

We need an army of many more volunteers! Help us with writing, phone calls, mobilization in cities and regions, and more…

The number of teams visiting Africa is growing. We invite you, your church, or family to come and join a team for medical missions, teaching an empowerment skill, working with youth, a sports camp, IT or photography help, Bible training, and many more opportunities to serve. Or just experience a ‘Vision Trip’ and see it all!

Favor’s ministry in The US is growing!


Click above to listen to a series of messages on Spiritual Warfare shared by Carole.


This is a wake up call to churches on the power of PRAYER and SPIRITUAL WARFARE!

Mobilizing cities and regions to pray, to participate in the harvest at hand, and to be a part of immense Kingdom advancements on foreign fields.



Click below to help us transform hearts for the Kingdom of God!

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Simply click the button below, copy the link, and share it with everyone you know!

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